It has been after many, many years that I, again, feared would lose something so valuable in my life.
What triggered the fear was the probability that it can be taken away from me anytime no matter how hard I try to keep it.
It was in my early years that I have come to understand and grasp the fact that everything I have is not mine but His; and that if He takes something away, there has got to be something good, better, and greater (BEST!) for me in the future.
I admit, I have lost so many things, even valuable people in the past. I will never forget the day Doni died. I had my heart broken to have lost a very good friend, a man of God. It was the first time I lost someone really close to my heart, and trust me, it isn't the greatest feeling in the world. When my Mom lost her car, her heart broke, and so did mine. It was one of her most priced possessions. My Mom loved driving to the point where she brought me to Splash Island without her license because I was in tantrums. I was a kid, then, so hardheaded haha! When we lost the house I lived in my entire life, the whole family had our hopes down.
Little did I know, we were to be blessed with a new house, which, not after a long time was finally called HOME.
I realized, every single thing taken away from us are merely physical things, plain structures, that if we didn't handle with care could really be taken away from us any minute. Our house can be taken away by fire, our car by almost anyone interested in it.
But there's one person powerful enough to take away anything when He wants to. And thats our God. But when he took away all of those from us, I trust that He was preparing something better. And yes He did, that was because I asked, and I received. <3>Uuuuuuy, give away na o! Hahaha!
After many years, I came across a line saying, "God wont give you something you cant endure."
And I said to myself, you should have known that all your life.
Then I reassessed myself and asked how faithful God is. I know He is and will always be. Then I asked myself again, "Now why are you in doubt? You should be confident that God has a pleasing and perfect will for you." That day was I only able to re-establish my faith and let God do the pruning all the more.
And it is true that patience has a sweet fruit.
I always put in mind that God does not work only during your down times; He works all the time, in all aspects, in every area of our lives.
If what you're asking for is still left hanging, and youre also left hanging, and you feel like God didnt really hear or answer what you've prayed/asked for, you might wanna think again. Because God hears every single thing every single person asks for. It's like he has one ear for each individual in this world. Isn't He great? =)
And yes, sabi ko nga, Patience has a sweet fruit.
If you have something very valuable in your hands right now, handle it with care. Love it with all your heart, and love genuinely. Love because you love, even though sometimes you cannot be loved in return.
In my case, I almost lost something. I know every day, I am on the battlefield. And I have my own battles. While some battles I know are not meant to be won, some are worth fighting for. But as I said in my wall post days ago, I am just glad I did. =)
But I am fully aware that if I try to keep something, there will be constant hurtings, too. Why? Because God could always test me, it will always be a test of faith. A test of character. And I think CHANGE ISNT THE ONLY THING CONSTANT, HURT WILL ALWAYS BE PRESENT ALSO. Because everything we have in our hands is God's, not ours. He can take it all away whenever He wants. And we would get hurt. I know I will. But I know I have a God who is willing to pick me up and cuddle me if I get hurt. And I will always be a precious baby to Him.
Oh, how amazing it is to live everyday knowing you have an awesome Father to praise!
If you have the willingness to keep something you really want and love, you'll fight for it whatever the cost.
And it says in
1 Corinthians 13:13
"And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love."
Have faith! That every time you lose something that you love and you feel like you can never get them back/have another thing as valuable and as precious again, God is just pruning you.
He will always give you whats best for you.
Just like what He did in my life.
If theres anything, God will give you the best. And if he already thinks thats wahst best for you, that He wont take away. =)
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