About Me

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I love Jesus. I will forever sing of His love, though I know not its measure. His love for me comes with a price; but it's a price I'd be willing to pay all my life. With Him I've joy in my heart. Every single day, I am just too blessed. Now, my cup overflows. Oh and yes, if you know me very well, you'd know that Cheetos and baked penne are the food I could eat forever. I LOVE MY MOM, MY GIRLS, and MY OTHER HALF, ABE. <3

Saturday, February 6, 2010

020610: KUNDIMAN tralalalaaaa..

This song of Silent Sanctuary has been going on for hours now....

I am thoroughly blaming the person who told me about this one... One, it's not funny anymore. Two, this makes me go melodramatic. TOO melodramatic. And three, last but not the least, I feel good hearing the lyrics being sung.

I was inspired by D. Bonifacio's recent note about his brother's marriage. What he heard was true. I mean the part where he went on with "I heard many hearts were broken that day" That's hilarious! My mom saw the wedding coverage, and she ends up crying. I was kind of expecting the same thing to happen. I mean who wouldn't cry? I know I did! My mom just cries awfully lot than me. She loves wedding videos too much sometimes.

And because it's kinda off topic not to talk about the title I wrote up there, I just want to imagine about it playing while I'm walking towards my husband-to-be. TRALALALAAAA. ;p Not that it's baduy, it's cool you know! I mean, have you tried listening to the song??? Sa reception kaya? haha! ;) I don't know if I would still remember this song by the time God tells me to marry. Who knows? I might end up not marrying at all! Hahaha!

What in the world am I saying? (Thinking... asking myself what I just ate that made me think this way.. {Psh, weird)

It’s been days and I wanna believe that I think I’m doing great, but in the back of my mind I keep on thinking about that something which only two people know right now, I only told them both last night (you guys know who you are) and they know that it’s bothering me. To those who can’t follow, I know, I shouldn’t be writing something you wouldn’t be able understand, it’s a little something personal. AND YES, that part sads me. And NO, IT’S NOT ABOUT HEART MATTERS. Shoo! Haha! I know how some of you think. Don't give me that look, 'cause, engkkkk, you're wrong. Just please please include me in your prayers.


I know it's been 2 months since New Year, and I haven't really literally thanked everyone face to face. Technically, I don't really get to greet a lot of people except my circle whom I'm really really close to. I don't usually do a great job in thanking one by one cause I end up forgetting other people so I am thanking everyone who's currently reading this, as a group, so I know I won't miss out on anyone. :-)

Oh and yeah, the reason why I let the song play on and on is really because I'm almost going to lose my mind. I couldn't find the thesis paper Greg just made few weeks ago. I must've had my handout mixed up but I know it's here somewhere. But if I don't find it... TIME WILL STILL BE RUNNING OUT AND I'D END UP AWAKE FOR 48 HOURS to work on our Conceptual Framework.


...and because I am the only person/girl/child? (ugh, when I say that I feel sucha baby), what I meant is I'm the only one around here who still goes to school around here, I wouldn't be able to blame anyone if I really lost those papers (like what I usually do when I lose something. Haha. So bad. But I have a point sometimes though LOL) because apparently I would be the only person who knows where I'd be able to find things, those were my stuff in the first place.

There's only one thing I'm sure of. That if I REALLY, LITERALLY, TECHNICALLY, 100%-ly lost that paper.. I AM IN BIG TROUBLE.

And since I'm already turning.. uhh.. a year older than my age NOW haha, in 6 month's time, I've kind of (and still trying) to live up to Mom's expectations about handling more responsibility here now more than ever and how it's taking it's toll on me sometimes. This is why I am praying badly for a sister, or maybe a brother. But that's really just impossible.

Or even a new pup just so Mom would have someone else to put her attention to.

To sum it all up..

What do you think of Kundiman? (Still have no idea? Why don't you try listening to it, download it, it's by Silent Sanctuary. If you don't have Limewire or Frostwire, or whatever browsers ever existing today, I'm sorry I only know 2 of them and yes I'm familiar that it's friends with different kind of viruses, try Youtube-ing or Imeem-ing hahaha!) I know someone who's so hooked up on it, he actually breathes 'em already hahaha! And to you, I don't need your comments and violent reactions right now. ;D SHOO! Haha!

Okay, irrelevant haha!

All i know is that tomorrow is going to be a busy day; I will try to be home by 2PM after the service, work on the conceptual framework again, live humbly, breathe normally, try not be too stressed out, avoid panicking, definitely avoid cramming, and because all of those mentioned a forehand feels worse, I will try to remember to forget...

P.S. The people I had tagged here may or may not know everything, some I know doesn't but I still tagged anyways. Just so you know, I'm still alive, (Hi there, yoohoo!) and that something interesting is still happening in my life as of this very moment. ;)

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